5 activities for children in Paris (and France)

1) Sport or cultural associations

To find a sports club or a cultural association, you can go to your town hall. Every year, around September (in general), the associations forum takes place in each town hall. During this forum, all sports and cultural associations will be present. You will ask questions, inform you about the rates, inform you about timetables and maybe register your children. You will have the choice between sports clubs (football, handball, tennis, swimming...) and associations of cultural activities (painting and drawing club, music club or conservatory, chess club...).
2) Annual museum pass or cinema / theatre pass

In Paris, there is a Paris museum card, called the "Paris Musées". This card allow you to access to all the exhibitions presented in the museums of Paris. With this card, you will have an unlimited access and a priority access (by not queuing up) during one year. In Paris, many museums offer annual subscriptions.
Here is a link for more informations : http://culturezvous.com/tarifs-abonnements-annuels-musées-paris/
You can also buy a card for an unlimited access to all the theaters of Paris. You have many options and many cards : with premium access, a special card for children, a special card for one man show...
Here is a link for more informations : https://www.otheatro.com/paris/abonnements-et-cartes?gclid=COCN7Mmu-dICFe0Q0wodl4cDWg#unlimited-one-person
You can also buy an annual cinema pass. Several cinemas offer this annual subscriptions system, like all the Gaumont Pathé cinemas, all the UGC cinemas, all the CGR cinemas, the Cinémathèque of Paris. To buy an annual cinema pass, you can directly ask for it at the cinema ticket office or on the cinema website.
3) Discovery workshops

In Paris, there are a lot of discovery workshops for children. They are called "ateliers". You can find a list of some "ateliers" for children in your town hall for example. There are often "ateliers" in museums as well. Here some examples of "ateliers" for Easter :
- A list of egg hunting in Paris : http://www.parisinfo.com/decouvrir-paris/les-grands-rendez-vous/paques-a-paris/activites-pour-les-enfants/chasses-aux-oeufs-et-animations-de-paques-a-paris-et-en-ile-de-france
- A list of animations in Paris : http://www.offi.fr/enfants/animations-ateliers.html
- A list of "ateliers" in museums : http://www.evous.fr/Les-ateliers-pour-enfants-dans-les-musees-de-Paris,1184309.html
4) Funfairs, amusement parks and circus

The most famous funfair in Paris ? La Foire du Trône ! This funfair is back, from 31st March to 28th May 2017, on the pelouse de Reuilly in Paris. With its 350 attractions and its 80 rides, la Foire du Trône will amaze the children but also the parents ! There is also the Jardin d'Acclimatation, a leisure park. This park spread over 19 hectares in Paris. You will find relaxing vegetation, some rides, the enchanted river, some water games... There are also circus in Paris. Here a list of circus : http://www.evous.fr/Cirques-et-festivals-de-cirque-a-Paris-Le-calendrier-des-spectacles,1184243.html
5) Parks and gardens

Paris is known for having romantic and soothing places, like its parks. But parks are also good playgrounds for children and for family walks. The most famous parks are : le Jardin des Plantes, le Jardin des Tuileries, le Jardin du Luxembourg, le Parc de Belleville, le Parc des Buttes-Chaumont et le Parc Monceau. There are a lot of children and they can meet and play together.
Obviously, we go to all these places during our French trainings (with our paper chase for example).
Our website (french version) : www.absolutely-french.eu/
Our website (english version) : https://www.learn-french-in-paris.fr/