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The Club Absolutely

More outings, more meetings... ? Here is the Club Absolutely !

By being part of the Club Absolutely, you are invited to the "Absolutely" parties ! The evenings are organized once a month. Obviously, your spouse is welcome. The aim is to meet other couples and to create links with other expatriates, to develop your network and the opportunities on the spot. It is also an opportunity to practice your French, of course ! We invite our French network to join us.

By being part of the Club Absolutely, you can participate in the "Absolutely" activities ! Activities are organized outside of the courses offered. The activities are visible on the Absolutely French application, with the possibility of registering online, to participate in an activity. Once you have registered, you can do sports and cultural activities.

In January, we have done a party in a bar hidden in Paris behind a pizzeria of the 30s. In the summer, we have done a picnic at the "place des Vosges" and another on the brink of the Canal St-Martin, a bike ride in the evening to discover Paris by night ... Some of our activities can be done with your family if you want your children or spouse to come.

By being part of the Absolutely Club, you can access to the Absolutely French application and suggest activities to do with all the other students. We know you have good ideas ! Restaurants to try, neighborhoods of Paris that you want to discover, sports that you like to do, museums or exhibitions that you want to see with the other students... You have the possibility to suggest new activities to do all together, for two, for three... The choice is yours !

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us ☺️ 📞

Notre site (version française) :

Our website (english version) :


   Qui sommes-nous ? 

Un organisme de formations de français pour l'intégration des 

conjoints d'impatriés, à Paris et Nantes.

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